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Editorial Letramía está interesada en escucharte.
"Los Deleites del Loto Atigrado"
Manuel Arduino Pavón
Spanish version.
Originally the texts included in "LOS DELEITES DEL LOTO ATIGRADO" were inspired by prints, almost artistic icons by the Uruguayan painter and sculptor César Fernández, evoking various female figures from both the East and the West in prototypical life paintings from both cultures, particularly illuminated with Low palette nuances, between slightly erotic and pleasantly sensory.
From those suggestive and truly exquisite colorful motifs, the author composed this anthology of short texts, inspired by minimalist works of art that unfortunately the original creator lost forever, like many of us, when erratically manipulating "certain indecipherable keys on a computer. "
If the writing reaches some flight at times, in honor of the truth, this is absolutely due to the expressiveness and beauty of the aforementioned portraits, which perhaps the most imaginative and sensitive readers could restore, with the help of the power lavished by mental delights, for so long considered clandestine, idle and without any productivity.